Quarterly Board Meeting Materials
March 1 - 3, 2018
Washington, DC
The Watergate Hotel
2650 Virginia Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037
Board Book Materials
All files can be downloaded at once by clicking the "All Files.zip" link at the bottom.
Cover Letter, Agenda and Board Membership
November 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Ad Hoc Committee on Measures of Postsecondary Preparedness *
Assessment Development Committee
Governing Board and Council of Chief State School Officers Task Force
Committee on Standards, Design and Methodology
Reporting and Dissemination Committee
Briefing and Discussion on NAEP Report Card
Briefing on the Writing Assessment and NAEP Achievement Levels Setting
Efficiencies in What and How NAEP Measures Students’ Knowledge and Skills
Board Resolution on Priorities for the NAEP Assessment Schedule
NAEP Framework Development Policy
Governing Board and NAEP Resources
* This document is currently being remediated for 508 comliance. The compliant version is not yet available.