Papers From the Governing Board. SD/LEP Conference
Papers From the Governing Board. SD/LEP Conference
Conference on Increasing the Participation of
Special Needs Students in
the National Assessment of Educational Progress
February 26–27, 2004
The attached papers represent a set of research-oriented papers commissioned by NAGB to serve as background information for the conference attendees. The authors bear sole responsibility for the factual accuracy of the information and for any opinions or conclusions expressed in the papers.
- Jamal Abedi - Inclusion of Students with Limited English Proficiency in NAEP: Classification and Measurement Issues
Word PDF - Albert E. Beaton - Measuring the Performance of Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners in the National Assessment of Educational Progress
Word PDF - Edward H. Haertel - Including Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners in NAEP: Effects of Differential Inclusion Rates on Accuracy and Interpretability of Findings
Word PDF - Charlene Rivera and Eric Collum - An Analysis of State Assessment Policies Addressing the Accommodation of English Language Learners
Word PDF - Stephen G. Sireci - Validity Issues in Accommodating NAEP Reading Tests
Word PDF - Martha L. Thurlow - How State Policies and Practices for Alternate Assessment Impact Who is Included in NAEP State Assessments
Word PDF - Gerald Tindal and Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller - Research on Mathematics Test Accommodations Relevant to NAEP Testing
Word PDF