On NAEP and 12th Grade Preparedness: Discussion Draft of Hypothetical Statements for NAEP Reports
On NAEP and 12th Grade Preparedness
Discussion Draft: Hypothetical Statements for NAEP Reports
At its March 2009 meeting, the Governing Board adopted a program of research to serve as validity evidence for statements about 12th grade preparedness for postsecondary education and training that might be made in NAEP reports. The Governing Board also adopted a working definition of “preparedness” for use in connection with those studies. At the May 2009 Board meeting, members of the Committee on Standards, Design and Methodology requested that staff prepare examples of statements about 12th grade student preparedness that might be made, based on possible outcomes of the program of research.
On the pages that follow are examples of statements related to 12th grade student preparedness that plausibly could be made in NAEP reports, depending on the outcomes of the Board-adopted program of research. Three scenarios are provided: one in which the research results are convergent and confirmatory, one in which the results are mixed, and one in which there are no convergent results. The intent is to provide examples for discussion purposes and to illustrate a range of possibilities. The statements presented are not intended to be exhaustive and, for the sake of brevity, focus only on postsecondary education and do not include training for occupations. Further, the statements do not include subgroup results, which will be very important to report.