NAEP 2009 Science Framework Development: Issues and Recommendations
NAEP 2009 Science Framework Development:
Issues and Recommendations
In September 2004, the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) convened a Panel to develop a Science Issues Paper to serve as a springboard for discussion of issues likely to be engaged in the design of a new Science Framework for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). The new Science Framework will guide the development of the NAEP science assessment to be administered beginning in 2009. The panel’s charge was to identify issues emerging from the nation’s requirements for a science literate citizenry and perspectives on science literacy in documents developed by the U.S. and international science education communities. Issues identified by the panel and recommendations for their resolution are contained in this paper.
The Science Issues Paper will frame the deliberations of the Framework Steering and Planning Committees, convened by WestEd and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) under contract to the National Assessment Governing Board. These committees are charged with drafting the 2009 Science Framework for approval by NAGB. The new Science Framework will describe in broad terms the science understandings and abilities to be assessed, guide the development of test specifications, and identify issues to be considered for special studies.