U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos appoints six members to the Governing Board. Terms begin Oct. 1.
Six leaders named by U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to National Assessment Governing Board, overseeing The Nation’s Report Card
Former Michigan Governor John Engler Appointed Chair
For immediate release: September 28, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Six leaders from around the country — an elementary school principal, a testing and measurement expert, two general public representatives, and a Republican and Democratic governor — have been appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board to serve four-year terms, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced today. Secretary DeVos also appointed one of those leaders, former Michigan Governor John Engler, as Board chair for the 2017-2018 year.
This year’s slate includes five new members filling vacancies and one reappointment, with terms beginning Oct. 1, 2017, and ending Sept. 30, 2021. The appointees will help set policy for The Nation’s Report Card, also known as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). NAEP offers objective data on student performance in nearly a dozen subjects to the public and to education policymakers at the national, state and local levels. The information NAEP provides helps education stakeholders evaluate the progress of American education. The 26-member nonpartisan, independent Governing Board determines the subjects and content NAEP tests, sets the achievement levels for reporting, and publicly releases the results.
“It’s a privilege to have these accomplished leaders with such diverse backgrounds agree to oversee NAEP," Secretary DeVos said. "The Board plays an important role in assessing student achievement and these members’ perspectives will be critical as we work to close the achievement gap and ensure all students have equal access to a great education. I am also thrilled that Governor Engler has agreed to serve as Board chair. He is a tireless advocate for all of our nation’s students and his strong leadership will be a substantial asset to this Board.”
The new and reappointed Governing Board members, along with the roles they represent, are listed below:
Dana Boyd
El Paso, Texas – Elementary School Principal
Since 2010, Boyd has served as principal of East Point Elementary School in El Paso Texas, with the Ysleta Independent School District, where she previously served as a teacher and assistant principal. Boyd was chosen as the 2007 Texas Teacher of the Year. Her other honors include 2016 Texas National Distinguished Principal of the Year, and a Hall of Fame inductee this year into the El Paso Commission for Women. A member and nominee of the National Association of Elementary School Principals, Boyd’s efforts at East Point include the development of professional learning communities and the use of data in implementing needed interventions and enrichment.
Gregory Cizek
Chapel Hill, N.C. – Testing and Measurement Expert
Cizek is the Guy B. Phillips Distinguished Professor of Educational Measurement and Evaluation at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Cizek’s early career involved service in K-12 education as an elementary and middle school teacher, and as an elected local school board member. He was also certified as an elementary principal. His academic career has spanned 25 years in the field of applied assessment with specializations in standard setting, validity and test security. Cizek has served as President of the National Council on Measurement in Education; previously he served a partial term on the Governing Board.
Tyler Cramer
San Diego, California – General Public Representative
Cramer previously served as a member of the Governing Board’s Business Policy Task Force, which lent the business perspective to the Board on policies that affected NAEP. Other significant experiences include serving as the chair of the San Diego Business Roundtable for Education, education committee chair of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce (where he also was director), and member of the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System Advisory Board. He has also served on, chaired or been the parent representative to various San Diego City Schools committees. Cramer, an industry counsel and executive, was a member of the University of San Diego’s Center for Education Policy and Law advisory board, which fosters better linkage between educational research, policymaking and practice.
Honorable John Engler
McLean, VA – General Public Representative
Gov. Engler recently retired as president of the Business Roundtable, a group of nearly 200 chief executives of major U.S. corporations that collectively employ more than 15 million people and take in more than $6 trillion in annual revenues. Previously, he was president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers. Governor Engler is a former Governing Board member and a member of the NAEP 12th Grade Preparedness Task Force. He served as the 46th governor of Michigan from 1991 to 2003, and previously served in the state legislature for 20 years, including 7 years as state Senate majority leader.
Honorable James Geringer
Cheyenne, Wyoming – Republican Governor
Reappointee Geringer currently serves on the Board’s committee on standards, design and methodology. He was the 30th governor of Wyoming from 1995 to 2003, and previously served in the Wyoming Legislature from 1983 to 1994. Prior, Governor Geringer served in the U.S. Air Force, working on aerospace programs for the Air Force in partnership with NASA. He is one of the founding governors of Western Governors University, a private and non-profit online university, where he is currently chairman of its Board of Trustees. His leadership also includes involvement in the National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, the National Research Council at the National Academies, and the Education Commission of the States, which he also chaired. He joined Environmental Systems Research Institute in 2003 as director of policy and public sector strategies.
Honorable Beverly Perdue
New Bern, N.C. – Democratic Governor
Governor Perdue began her career as a public school teacher and then directed geriatric services at a community hospital. She started her political career serving in the North Carolina House of Representatives and then five terms in the North Carolina Senate before she was elected as the 32nd Lieutenant Governor. She then became the 73rd governor of North Carolina from 2009 to 2013, the state’s first female chief executive. After she left office, Governor Perdue initiated many education efforts, including founding and chairing DigiLEARN, a non-profit institution designed to accelerate digital learning opportunities for all ages; serving as a Resident Fellow at the Harvard Institute of Politics and a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy; and consulting on education issues.
These members take office as the Governing Board is fulfilling several areas of its strategic vision, an initiative approved in November 2016 that involves many efforts to expand the visibility, influence and innovation of NAEP. The vision calls for developing strategic partnerships with groups to disseminate NAEP data and resources and advancing the content, design and reporting of NAEP, such as exploring ways to measure the complex skills that students need for postsecondary education and careers.
The Governing Board is now accepting nominations for terms that begin Oct. 1, 2018 for the following open positions: chief state school officer, 4th-grade teacher, 8th-grade teacher, secondary school principal and general public representative. To learn more and submit a nomination, visit nagb.gov/join-the-board. Nominations are due by Oct. 31, 2017, 5 p.m. ET.