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Board Augments Candidate Pool for General Public Representative Category

National Assessment Governing Board Augments Candidate Pool for General Public Representative

Extended submission deadline is June 9, 2017

The National Assessment Governing Board, which oversees the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), wishes to augment its pool of nominees for the position of general public representative. Qualified individuals can self-nominate or be nominated by organizations or other individuals.

general public representative is defined as a leader, including a parent, with experience and background working with schools and/or education issues. The general public representative, by law, cannot be employed by a local, state, or federal education agency. The term for this position is October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2021.

The Governing Board requires the following for each nomination:

  • Nominating letter. When a candidate is nominated by an organization or other individual, the nominating letter should state the candidate’s qualifications as they relate to the Governing Board’s responsibilities. A personal statement replaces the nominating letter for self-nominees (see below).

  • Resume or curriculum vitae. A resume or curriculum vitae is necessary to evaluate a candidate’s qualifications. Please note that a short biographical sketch is not sufficient.

  • Personal statement. A personal statement is required if a candidate is nominated by another organization or individual. It provides a brief statement explaining the nominee’s interest in serving on the Governing Board. If an individual self-nominates, the personal statement replaces the nominating letter, listing the candidate’s qualifications and a statement of interest.

Letters of recommendation are not required but can be included to further support a candidate—particularly a self-nominated candidate.

The Governing Board must receive nominations for the general public representative no later than 5:00 p.m. EDT, Friday, June 9, 2017. Materials should be submitted in PDF format via email to the attention of Deputy Executive Director Lisa Stooksberry at Information about alternative submission protocols is available by calling (202) 357-6938.

The 26-member Governing Board was established by Congress to oversee and set policy for The Nation’s Report Card, also known as National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Governing Board members help define how student achievement is measured in the United States by identifying subjects that NAEP will assess, determining the content of the assessments, and taking steps to improve how the results are reported. By law, the membership of the Governing Board must reflect balance and diversity in region, race, gender, and culture.

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Stephaan Harris