Virtual Town Hall Meetings on NAEP Background Questions: May 1 and 3
Archived Town Hall Webinars
on NAEP Background Questions
May 1 and 3
For each NAEP assessment, information is collected on background questions intended to increase understanding of the achievement results on which the assessment primarily reports. The questions cover in-school factors, such as topics taught in class and teacher preparation, and a few at-home variables related to learning, such as reading for pleasure. In recent years, this background information has been little used in NAEP reports.
The National Assessment Governing Board set up an expert panel last fall to recommend how to make better use of existing background questions. The panel also was asked to propose an agenda for additional topics and questions that would be useful in understanding student achievement and developing education policy. The panel report, NAEP Background Questions: An Underused National Resource, was presented in March 2012.
As part of its deliberations, the Board hosted two live town hall webinars to gather public comment on the report. The May 3 webinar can be accessed below
Click here to play back the recorded webinar.
Stephaan Harris
- Phone
- (202) 357-7504
- Stephaan.Harris@Ed.Gov