Nominations Sought for NAEP Policy Task Force
Governing Board Seeking Nominations for NAEP Business Policy Task Force
The National Assessment Governing Board is seeking members of the business community to serve on its new Business Policy Task Force, which will provide input to the Board in shaping policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) and in expanding outreach to the business world.
The task force, to be made up of business leaders from various sectors across the nation, will help the Governing Board ensure that NAEP - otherwise known as The Nation's Report Card - continues to be an important resource on student achievement for the business community, educators, policymakers, and the public at large.
The quality of human resources is a key to the nation's economic development and competitiveness. As the only continuing, comparable measure of national and state student achievement at grades 4, 8, and 12, the business community has an interest in what NAEP measures and the results that NAEP reports. Also, the Governing Board is working to ensure that 12th grade NAEP measures student preparedness for education and job training after high school, an area in which the business perspective will be especially valuable. Thus, the Governing Board views the input the members of this task force will provide as very important.
Please click here for a copy of our NAEP Business Policy Task Force flyer for further details on the task force and how to nominate someone. Nominations must be submitted by December 15, 2008.