2011 Writing Framework
Writing Framework for the 2011 National Assessment of Educational Progress
The ability to write well is essential to the economic success of the nation. Americans in the 21st century need to be able to communicate in a variety of forms and mediums, create texts under the constraints of time, and play a productive role in an economy that increasingly values knowledge and information. The pace of written communication in today’s environment—the velocity of writing—reflects the transition to an information-based economy built on speed, efficiency, and complexity.
Writing is essential to productivity and to personal and social advancement. Corporations in almost all industries and services report that a significant majority of salaried employees—80 percent or more—have some responsibility for writing in their professions, a substantial growth from previous decades (Berman, 2001). It is no wonder, then, that communicating effectively is considered the most desirable skill among new hires by major corporations, and that good writing is essential to mid-career professionals for both day-to-day operations and long-term career advancement (National Association of Colleges & Employers, 2005; Light, 2001).
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