Science Framework Feedback
No More Submissions Will Be Accepted
Seeking Initial Public Comment Prior to Updating the Science Assessment Framework for the 2028 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Deadline Extended to Oct. 15
The National Assessment Governing Board is responsible for developing and updating NAEP frameworks, which guide the content of NAEP assessments. The NAEP Science Assessment Framework was last revised in 2005 and most recently used for the assessment conducted in 2019 for grades 4, 8, and 12.
In preparation for a future update, the Board is initiating a preliminary review of the current NAEP Science Assessment Framework.
This initial gathering of public comment is the first stage in a comprehensive multi-year process that, if the Board decides framework revisions are needed, will later involve multiple iterations of stakeholder feedback and an expert panel to guide the development of assessment questions and recommendations for contextual questionnaires administered to students, teachers, and schools.
Individuals and organizations are invited to provide written comments and recommendations relative to the current framework. Comments should specifically address three things:
- Whether the NAEP Science Assessment Framework needs to be updated.
- If the framework needs to be updated, why a revision is needed.
- What should a revision to the framework include?
When providing comment, please indicate if you are not comfortable with your name and affiliation being included with your comments, which may be shared and discussed publicly in upcoming Governing Board meetings and materials.
If the Governing Board decides that an update is needed, the charge to launch the revision process for the NAEP Science Framework is anticipated at the March 2022 quarterly Board meeting. Each NAEP framework development and update process considers a wide set of factors, including but not limited to reviews of recent research on teaching and learning, changes in state and local standards and assessments, and the latest perspectives on the nation’s future needs and desirable levels of achievement.

NAEP Science Assessment Framework

How NAEP Frameworks Are Updated