2023 NAEP Long-Term Trend Release
In June 2023, the National Assessment Governing Board and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) hosted the release of the 2023 NAEP Long-Term Trend assessment results for 13-year-olds – the final set of results from NAEP assessments administered during and directly after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Results included national-level mathematics and reading scores as well as insights into students’ pandemic-era learning experiences.
The event featured presentations of the results by NCES Commissioner Peggy Carr; discussion of the results between Carr and Patrick Kelly, a Governing Board member and government teacher; and questions from students and educators delivered from historical sites across the country.
The release event was held at Oakdale High School in Ijamsville, Md. Following a presentation of key findings from NCES Commissioner Peggy Carr, teachers and students shared their reactions to the results and reflected on what’s needed to accelerate post-pandemic learning in a conversation moderated by Marty West, academic dean and professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and member of the National Assessment Governing Board.
Watch the Event

Part 1: Presentation of the Results

Part 2: Insights from Teachers and Students


Speaker Biographies

2023 NAEP Long-Term Trend Results Press Release

2023 NAEP Long-Term Trend Results